G-Technology: How the Evolution Series will change my creative workflow

Welcome back to the blog!

It’s been a while since I last posted and a lot has happened since then.

I moved to Berlin a couple months ago, though I’m still in the process of building up the new office space here in the heart of the city. With this a lot of changes came a long the way, especially regarding my workflow. And by workflow I mean the whole process from being at a far away location and producing content, right up to being back in the office and getting piles of work done and delivered to my clients.

Most of you guys should know, that I’m pretty serious when it comes to tech to support my workflow as a creative. I’m always looking for possibilities to tweak all these little tasks, which in the end lead up to a final result. As a freelancing professional, performance and reliability are two major factors, which come into play here. The more time I can save, the more I can focus on different projects. And having a proper strategy for backing up my data and making it available to my clients, is what secures my independent profession in the long term.

To be honest with you, I was quite happy and satisfied with my backup and delivery strategies already. If you followed along my previous posts you know, what’s important to secure your content from unpredictable events of all kinds and how to make it available for other parties. Nonetheless, when taking the overall workflow into consideration, there was still quite a lot of room for improvement.

Especially when talking about performance, I always felt like everything runs somewhat cumbersome. Whether I was on location or back in the office, the whole process was slow and my storage setup felt like it had way too much processing going on. Another problem was the heterogeneity of all the different hard drives and other storage solutions, I typically used within my workflow.

With the constant increase in assignments, which got more and more comprehensive as well, I felt l was in need for a change very soon.

It was about the time I moved to Berlin, when I got in contact with G-Technology, a brand owned by Western Digital, which produces some of the highest performing and reliable leading-edge storage solutions to support end-to-end workflows of professional creatives. They promise to empower creatives to focus on their imagination and story-telling, by supporting the overall workflow with their seamlessly integrated products.

G-Technology Evolution Series Storage Solutions

G-Technology offers a wide range of products and after discussing with them about my requirements and the challenges I have to face as a freelancer, we agreed on a specific setup, based on their Evolution Series storage solutions, to support my overall creative process.

As data management and creative workflows are constantly evolving, G-Technology created the Evolution Series, a range of products with an emphasis on being very flexible and cross-functional, to go from in the field to the studio and back seamlessly.

So from now on, I’ll be exclusively working with their solutions and share personal insights of the overall migration and experiences I’ll make during the next months.

I was already able to test out their portable products out in the field, while traveling through Asia on a four weeks trip last month. The overall impression was more than satisfying and I definitely feel like I can fully trust their professionally graded tools in any situation. So definitely stay tuned for the upcoming blog posts, which will go into more detail on what specific G-Technology products I use in which situation.

In case you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Thanks for reading and following along!

Talk soon,



Additional Information

Where to buy

